Results: 1-22    


*International review of social history (Online)

International Institute for Social History
Cambridge University Press

Journal online open access, proposed by TO043
Accesso free alle annate 1956-2013.

Home Page: P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma
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Holdings: 1998-
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Last update holding 2023

via U. Gobbi, 5 20136 Milano , tel. ++390258365027 , fax. ++390258365100
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Holdings: 1956-
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Notes: Disponibile dal 01/01/1956.
Last update holding 2024

via Ugo Antonio Amico, 4 90134 Palermo , tel. +39 09123892714//707 , fax. +39 09123860795
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Holdings: 2009-2010;2012-2014;
FULL TEXTEllediemme
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Last update holding 2023

Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 56126 Pisa , tel. 050-509020 , fax. 050-509102
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Holdings 1: 1956-
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The issues of last 72 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 2: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1956 Volume: 1 Issue: 1.
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 3: 1997-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1997 Volume: 42 Issue: 1.
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 4: 2001-
FULL TEXTProQuest - ProQuest
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The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1956-
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Last update holding 2024

Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A 10153 Torino , tel. 011-6708977/8981 , fax. 011-6708979
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Holdings: 1956-
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Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1998-
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Last update holding 2024

40125 Bologna , tel. 051 2094330 , fax. 051 2094324
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings 1: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 2: 1998-
Holdings detail: Disponibile dal 01/04/1998 volume 43 fascicolo 1.
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 3: 2001-
FULL TEXTScienceDirect
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The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 4: 2001-
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The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 5: 2001-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2024

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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2022

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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings 1: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Non sono disponibili i fascicoli dell'ultimo anno.
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 2001-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Non sono disponibili i fascicoli dell'ultimo anno.
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1998 volume 43 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2024

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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente. Le richieste inviate a aree non pertinenti non saranno evase
Holdings 1: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 01/04/1998 volume 43 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 2001-
FULL TEXTProQuest - ProQuest
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 12 months are not available
Last update holding 2023

Home Page: Via G. Campi 213/C 41125 Modena , tel. 059/2056308
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente
Holdings: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1956-
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The issues of last 72 months are not available
Last update holding 2024

Palermo , tel. 091 23895210
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 2013;
FULL TEXTCambridge
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Last update holding 2022

56126 Pisa , tel. 0502217012
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Holdings: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1998 volume 43.
Last update holding 2024

27100 Pavia
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente. Le richieste inviate a aree non pertinenti non saranno evase
Holdings 1: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 72 months are not available
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 1998-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1998/04/01 volume 43 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2023

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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente. Le richieste inviate a aree non pertinenti non saranno evase
Holdings: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 01/04/1956 volume 1 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings 1: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 72 months are not available
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 1997-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1997 volume 42 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2023

Home Page: Via Duomo 6 13100 Vercelli , tel. 0321660817
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente
Holdings: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Non sono disponibili i fascicoli degli ultimi 6 anni.
Last update holding 2023

Via S. Francesco, 20 37129 Verona , tel. 045 8028463/8027273
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Fino a data da destinarsi, le riviste con collocazione BM U e BM Z non sono disponibili a causa di lavori di ristrutturazione della biblioteca.
Holdings 1: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
The issues of last 72 months are not available
Last update holding 2024
Holdings 2: 1956-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 01/04/1956 volume 1 fascicolo 1.
Last update holding 2024
Results: 1-22